Monitor suppliers and prices, saving money:

Embed the right practices, strengthen relationships and protect your margins without drowning in paperwork.

Old World
Fast-changing prices of ingredients, sudden shortages, and maverick spending can undermine business. Fortunately, there’s a better way to control costs.
New World
Discover how to get the best value for money from stronger supplier relationships. New tools and insights can make a world of difference.

"It’s time to rethink and energise restaurant operations. Now your people, tech and processes work in perfect sync."

The Challenge:
Common Issues:
Understanding the complexity:
The Solution:

The Challenge:

  • Poor communications and service from some suppliers
  • Fluctuations in prices paid and goods received
  • Questions over compliance and risk management

Common Issues:

Rising food prices have put a huge strain on restaurants and significantly impacted the cost of goods sold (COGS). But you don’t have to sit back passively and watch your margins erode. There are ways that can help you to gain more control in this vital area.

Understanding the complexity:

Let’s start by examining your current operations:

  • Do orders sometimes ‘disappear’ or arrive without warning?
  • Is there sometimes overstocking or scarcity in your inventory?
  • Are orders often made too early or too late?
  • Are employees purchasing stock in different ways?
  • Can you track prices from all suppliers easily?
  • Do you have ways to monitor and assess suppliers?
  • Can you track invoices and payments easily?

These questions will help to uncover the best answers.

The Solution:

You can take supplier management and cost control to the next level with Syrve. You’ll find effective ways to avoid overstocking, scarcity, maverick purchasing, inconsistent prices and quality issues.

It’s important to lay the right foundations. That means digitising policies and adopting standard operating procedures for purchasing. We’ll also help you with real-time procurement control, so you can monitor interactions with suppliers, track orders and assess supplier performance.

It’s easy to spot errors, poor service and any sharp rises in prices. You can also perform insightful ‘what-if’ analysis on the impact of changing suppliers. When suppliers meet your standards, you can automate your ordering – based on your real-time inventory levels, accurate sales forecasts and supplier delivery schedules. Syrve manages this for you.

Monitor suppliers and prices, saving money

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See How Syrve Is Transforming The Quick Service Industry

Discover how Syrve empowers quick-service restaurants like Farmer J to enhance operational visibility and gain precise control over margins. Instantly adapt to shifts in customer behaviour through flexible order options, seamless menu changes, and integrated delivery solutions.