Minimising what’s thrown away

So much of a restaurant’s funds are tied up in its inventory. So when food gets thrown away, it’s like cash is draining out of the business. But there are effective ways to tackle the problem.

Common challenges for restaurants

Waste poses a substantial challenge to the food industry, resulting in increased costs, lost revenue and environmental concerns. Issues such as overlooking expiration dates and inefficient stock management can be root causes. Also a lack of real-time waste recording can make it harder to diagnose and fix the problem.

Clear signs that waste is an issue

These could be indicators of a problem:

  • Overproduction:
    There’s a tendency to prepare or order more food than required, leading to a surplus that burdens finances and environmental sustainability.
  • Poor inventory management:
    This shows itself through food spoilage, expiration and an increase in overall waste.
  • Inefficient preparation:
    Poor food preparation can worsen wastage, posing challenges in accurately portioning and preparing the right amount of food. Any waste eats into profits.
  • Failure to repurpose excess food:
    This missed opportunity can lead to extra waste.

How to minimise waste

With Syrve, you can address these issues directly and reduce waste dramatically.

Smart stock checks for immediate insights

Efficient management of inventory is essential for reducing over-ordering and preventing unnecessary waste. Regular stock checks via mobile devices provide immediate insights into actual stock levels, variances and food costs. This ensures perishable ingredients are used promptly, minimising spoilage.

Syrve automatically notifies and guides staff in scheduling and completing regular stock checks via mobile devices. This provides immediate insights into actual stock and also helps to reduce over-ordering, optimising your inventory.

Inventory tracking: Complete visibility for informed decisions

Maintaining complete visibility and control over stock movements is vital to prevent excess costs, spoilage and contamination.
Syrve’s Inventory Tracking addresses this challenge. It automatically replenishes stock via mobile devices during shipments and offers real-time tracking of all ingredient movements from the moment of acceptance through production, sale or wastage. Any issues are identified and can be resolved quickly.

Waste recording: Real-time insights for proactive management

Seeing waste happen in real-time is crucial for proactive management during service. Recording food waste and stock movements directly on the system, without the need for back-of-house paperwork, is a streamlined and effective approach.

Syrve’s Waste Recording feature enables real-time recording of food waste and stock movements. This allows you to monitor and measure food waste during dish creation, using integrated technology like touch screens and food tracking systems. Additionally, for short shelf-life products, Syrve automates the scheduling of write-offs, offering precision in managing various product categories, specifying storage, schedules and accounts for accurate and efficient cost transfers.

Ingredient repurposing: Creativity for sustainability

Creative repurposing of close-to-expiry stock is a sustainable practice to minimise food waste and enhance kitchen agility. This fosters resourcefulness in the kitchen and contributes to a more environmentally-conscious operation.

Syrve Ingredient Repurposing alerts kitchen staff when stock is close to expiry, encouraging creative repurposing (eg. into a dish of the day) to minimise food waste and maintain kitchen agility.

Portion control and menu engineering: Precision for profitability

Accurate adjustments to menu items and portion sizes are crucial for reducing unsold or uneaten food and optimising profitability.

Syrve Portion Control and Menu Engineering automates the monitoring of menu items and portion sizes that are not selling well. This enables accurate adjustments to reduce food waste and costs.

Central production unit (CPU): Standardisation for consistency

Where multiple restaurants are involved, Standardising food production is essential for maintaining consistent portion sizes– and a uniform, high-quality dining experience.

Syrve’s CPU ensures standardisation by enabling precise control over portion sizes, ensuring uniformity across all restaurant locations, reducing over-serving and playing a crucial role in preventing food waste. Additionally, Syrve’s CPU streamlines central management, ensuring fresh food consumption within specified timeframes.

The bottom line

Minimising food waste is crucial for the environment and profitability. Syrve’s suite of features equips you with the tools needed to minimise waste, optimise inventory and create a more sustainable and successful kitchen.

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