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Restaurant POS Resellers: Shifting to Modern SaaS Solutions for Modern Challenges

Reselling restaurant POS systems is a challenging business, especially when it comes to keeping up with the industry’s changing landscape.

Reselling restaurant POS systems is a challenging business, especially when it comes to keeping up with the industry’s changing landscape. One major challenge resellers face is their reliance on legacy POS systems, which can impede their ability to meet evolving customer needs. Legacy systems are costly to upgrade, lack essential features, and functionalities. They also pose integration problems and require significant maintenance efforts, making it difficult for resellers to offer cutting-edge solutions and services to customers.

In this article, we will identify some of the different types of resellers and their challenges in reselling restaurant POS systems, as well as the opportunity that modern SaaS restaurant control platforms provide. The Service-Oriented Resellers, Shifted Focus Resellers, Professional Services Resellers, Future-Proofed Resellers, Technology-Centric Resellers, and Innovative Integrators, all have specific challenges that hinder their ability to provide quality services to their customers.

Service-Oriented Resellers

This reseller prides themselves on their exceptional customer service and has built strong relationships with their clients. They are looking for a software platform and partner that can help them provide even better support and improve their customers’ overall experience.

• Goals: To improve their customer service offerings, customer lifetime value (CLV) and retention rates.

• Challenges: Finding a software platform and partner that aligns with their focus on service and can help them stand out in a crowded market.

• Objections: Concerns about the complexity of implementing a new system and potential disruption to their existing processes.

• Aspirations: To become a trusted partner to their customers, offering best-in-class technology solutions that improve their operations and drive growth.

Customer service is an essential aspect of any business and restaurants are no exception. Service-Oriented Resellers value exceptional customer service but legacy POS systems can hinder their ability to provide it. Slow, error-prone systems with limited footprint leads to customer frustration and lost profits. Modern SaaS restaurant control platforms offer faster, more reliable and comprehensive capabilities that improve customer experience and retention rates, for example:

• Order Management: Modern SaaS platforms enable restaurants to receive orders from multiple channels (e.g., online, mobile, in-store) and manage them all in one place. This reduces the likelihood of missed or incorrect orders and ensures that customers receive their food quickly and accurately.

• Loyalty Programs: Modern SaaS platforms help restaurants implement advanced loyalty programs that reward customers for repeat business. By tracking customer behaviorand preferences, restaurants can offer personalised rewards and promotions that incentivise customers to return.

• Analytics: Modern SaaS platforms offer comprehensive analytics capabilities that enable restaurants to track customer behaviour and identify areas for improvement in real-time. For example, track which menu items are most popular, which times of day are busiest, and which channels (e.g., online, in-store) generate the most revenue. With this data, restaurants can make data-driven decisions that improve customer experience and retention rates.

Modern SaaS platforms also offer remote support and monitoring capabilities, enabling quick identification and resolution of customer issues, further enhancing the customer experience.

Syrve software for restaurant control helps you provide even better customer service and improve your customers’ overall experience, making you a trusted partner and improving retention rates. In addition, aligns with your focus on service and helps you stand out in a crowded market by offering best-in-class technology solutions that improve your operations and drive growth.

Shifted Focus Resellers

This reseller has been in the traditional POS industry for years but sees the potential in recurring revenue streams of SaaS. They want to transition the business to selling SaaS but are concerned about losing existing customers who are used to the ‘status quo’ of their legacy solution.

• Goals: Increase recurring revenue streams and future-proof the business by transitioning to a SaaS model.

• Challenges: Convincing existing customers to switch to SaaS, understanding the technical aspects of SaaS.

• Objections: Concerns about data security, lack of control over updates and features.

• Aspirations: To be seen as a forward-thinking business that is providing cutting-edge technology to their customers.

Resellers are transitioning their business model from traditional POS to SaaS for several reasons. These include:

• Subscription-based pricing models, which provide a more predictable and stable revenue stream compared to the traditional model of selling a POS system upfront with no ongoing revenues.

• More frequent software updates and upgrades, which means that resellers can offer their customers access to the latest features and improvements without requiring them to purchase new hardware or software.

• Cloud-based software, which means that it can be accessed from anywhere with an internet connection. This makes it easier for resellers to manage and support their customers remotely, which can reduce costs and increase efficiency.

• Better integration with other systems and services, which can help resellers to provide a more comprehensive solution to their customers.

When making the shift, resellers may face some customer concerns about the security of their data in the cloud and the lack of control over updates and features. They may also be hesitant to switch to a new system due to the cost and time involved in making the transition. As a result, they need to provide reassurance to their customers that their data will be secure and that the new system will provide added value and benefits. They need to communicate the advantages of SaaS, such as ease of use, scalability, and real-time access to data, to help their customers understand the benefits of making the switch. Modern SaaS restaurant control platforms can address these concerns by providing software that offers data security, control over updates and features, and a seamless transition to a cloud-based system. By providing a complete solution that addresses these concerns, resellers can successfully transition their business to a SaaS model and retain their existing customers.

Syrve software for restaurant control offers recurring revenue streams and future-proofs your business by transitioning to a SaaS model, making your business forward-thinking and cutting-edge. In addition, addresses concerns about data security and control over updates and features, making your customers feel comfortable with the transition to SaaS.

Professional Services Resellers

This reseller has successfully been selling traditional POS solutions for years but sees the potential in offering additional consulting services to customers to help them optimise their businesses. They want to expand their business by offering services alongside a modern SaaS solution.

• Goals: Increase revenue streams by offering value-added services to customers, expand market share by offering a differentiated service.

• Challenges: Building the necessary expertise to offer consulting services, convincing customers to pay for these services.

• Objections: Concerns about the cost of consulting services, perception that they may not be necessary.

• Aspirations: To be seen as a complete solution provider that is truly invested in the success of their customers.

Resellers see the potential in offering consulting services to help their customers optimise their businesses, but legacy POS systems may not have the necessary features and functionalities to support consulting services, such as:

• Business Process Optimisation: Analysing a restaurants operations and identifying areas that can be improved for maximum efficiency and profitability.

• Seamless System Integration: Integrating various systems and software applications to create a seamless IT infrastructure.

• Smooth Change Management: Guiding a restaurant through organisational changes, such as implementing new technology or expanding their business, to ensure a smooth transition.

• Tailored Software Solutions: Creating custom software applications that are tailored to a restaurant’s unique needs, helping them streamline operations and improve the customer experience.

• Ongoing Training and Support: Providing ongoing training and support to help restaurants get the most out of their technology investments, optimising their processes and increasing their revenue.

Legacy systems can be limited in terms of their ability to provide detailed data and analytics, making it difficult for resellers to offer meaningful insights and recommendations to their customers. Additionally, these POS systems may not include, or be able to integrate with, other technologies that are necessary to support consulting services, such as inventory management or customer relationship management tools. Moving to a modern SaaS restaurant control platform can help resellers overcome these limitations and provide a complete solution that includes both a software platform, payment services and consulting services. This can help resellers increase their revenue streams and be seen as a partner that is truly invested in the success of their customers.

Syrve software for restaurant control provides a platform in which to offer consulting services which can help customers optimise their businesses, making you a complete solution provider that is truly invested in the success of your customers. In addition, increases your revenue streams and expands market share by offering a differentiated service, making you the go-to provider for both software and consulting services.

Future-Proofed Resellers

Future-Proofed Resellers is an older generation reseller who is looking to modernise the business model to increase the valuation of their business for a potential sale in the next few years. They recognise the shift in the market towards SaaS and wants to pivot the business to capitalise on this trend.

• Goals: Increase the value of the business in preparation for a sale, transition to a business model that is more attractive to potential buyers.

• Challenges: Convincing existing customers to switch to SaaS, understanding the technical aspects of SaaS, building a recurring revenue stream.

• Objections: Concerns about the cost of transitioning to SaaS, lack of understanding of the benefits of SaaS.

• Aspirations: To position the business as a modern, forward-thinking provider of cutting-edge technology that is attractive to potential buyers.

Resellers who want to modernise their business model to increase their valuation for a potential sale may face challenges with legacy POS systems because these systems often require a lot of maintenance and support, which can be time-consuming and costly. This can make it difficult for resellers to keep up with the evolving market and to offer competitive solutions that meet the needs of their customers. Additionally, legacy POS systems may not be as attractive to potential buyers who are looking for businesses that are up to date with the latest technology trends and are positioned for future growth with predictable recurring revenue streams.

For example, suppose a reseller is looking to sell their business to a larger company or an investor. In that case, they may find it challenging to attract buyers who are interested in investing in a business that is built on outdated technology. In contrast, if the reseller had transitioned to a modern SaaS platform, they could position themselves as a more attractive investment opportunity for potential buyers. The modern platform would be more scalable, require less maintenance and support, and offer a broader range of features and functionalities, making it a more compelling offering to potential investors. Further, by transitioning to a SaaS business model, resellers can build a recurring revenue stream that offers predictable cash flow and positions their business for long-term growth.

Syrve software for restaurant control helps you transition to a business model that is more attractive to potential buyers, increasing the value of your business in preparation for a sale. In addition, addresses concerns about the cost of transitioning to SaaS and builds a recurring revenue stream, making your business modern, forward-thinking, and attractive to potential buyers.

Technology-Centric Resellers

This reseller is highly focused on technology and is looking for a software platform and partner that can help them differentiate themselves in a crowded market and deliver advanced functionality to their customers.

• Goals: To offer advanced technology solutions that stand out in a crowded market and meet the evolving needs of their customers.

• Challenges: Finding a software platform and partner that aligns with their focus on technology and offers the necessary features and functionalities.

• Objections: Concerns about the complexity of implementing a new system and potential disruption to their existing processes.

• Aspirations: To become a trusted technology partner to their customers, offering innovative solutions that help them streamline their operations and improve their bottom line.

Technology-Centric Resellers are highly focused on technology, but legacy POS systems can limit their ability to differentiate themselves in a crowded market. These systems may lack the advanced technology solutions that businesses need to stay ahead of the curve. Additionally, legacy POS systems may require significant customisation or modifications to integrate with newer technologies, which can be time-consuming and costly for resellers. As a result, resellers may struggle to keep up with the latest technological advancements and may find it difficult to stay ahead of competitors who offer more advanced POS solutions. Modern SaaS restaurant control platforms offer innovative solutions that can help resellers stand out in a crowded market and provide their customers with the advanced technology they need to succeed.

Syrve software for restaurant control helps you differentiate yourself in a crowded market and deliver advanced functionality to your customers, positioning you as a trusted technology partner. In addition, streamlines operations and improves the bottom line of your customers, making you the go-to reseller for advanced technology solutions.

Innovative Integrators

This reseller is always on the lookout for innovative technologies to add to their portfolio. They have a well-established customer base but are always looking for ways to enhance their offerings and stay ahead of the curve.

• Goals: To expand their product offerings and stay competitive in a crowded market.

• Challenges: Finding a product that integrates seamlessly with their existing systems and offers the necessary features and functionalities their customers require.

• Objections: Concerns about the cost and complexity of implementing a new system.

• Aspirations: To offer a full suite of solutions that cater to the evolving needs of their customers.

Innovative Integrators face the challenge of finding new technologies to add to their portfolio that integrate seamlessly with their existing systems portfolio. Legacy POS systems are often built on outdated technology, and their architecture may not be compatible with newer systems. This means that integrating new technologies with legacy POS systems can be a complex and time-consuming process. For example, the codebase of a legacy POS system may be difficult to modify, making it challenging to add new features or functionalities. Additionally, the legacy system may not be designed to communicate with modern APIs or web services, further complicating the integration process. As a result, integrating new technologies with legacy POS systems often requires significant time and resources, which can be a major challenge for resellers who are looking to expand their offerings and provide cutting-edge solutions to their customers. In contrast, modern SaaS restaurant control platforms offer a wide range of features and functionalities that can be easily integrated into existing systems, allowing resellers to offer their customers cutting-edge solutions that can help streamline their operations.

Syrve software for restaurant control seamlessly integrates with your existing systems, enhancing your current offerings and making it easy for you to stay ahead of the curve in a crowded market. In addition, offers the necessary features and functionalities your customers require, ensuring that you can provide a full suite of solutions that cater to the evolving needs of your customers.

In conclusion, modern SaaS restaurant control platforms like Syrve offer numerous benefits to restaurant POS resellers, helping them address the unique needs and goals of their business. By providing innovative solutions that improve their customers’ experiences and streamline operations, resellers can differentiate themselves from competitors and succeed in a constantly evolving industry. With the shift towards SaaS, it’s clear that resellers who don’t adopt these new technologies will be left behind, so it’s important to take the plunge and embrace the future of restaurant POS.